Gedung Diskominfo Kota Tarakan Dialokasikan Rp 3,5 Miliar
TARAKAN - Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika (Diskominfo) Kota Tarakan, tak lama lagi akan memiliki gedung baru sendiri. Rencananya pembangu...
TARAKAN - Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika (Diskominfo) Kota Tarakan, tak lama lagi akan memiliki gedung baru sendiri. Rencananya pembangu...
Badan Amil Zakat (BAZ) Kota Tarakan Pengelolaan Zakat, Infak dan Sedekah Alamat Sekretariat : Gedung YPII Jalan K.H. Agus Salim RT.05 No.21 ...
Dinas Kebersihan, Pertamanan dan Pemakaman (DKPP) Kota Tarakan Alamat : Jl. Halmahera Tarakan Kalimantan Timur Borneo - Indonesia Telepon : ...
Dinas Kehutanan, Pertambangan Dan Energi (DISHUTAMBEN) Kota Tarakan Alamat : Gedung Gabungan Dinas II Lt.6 Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.76 Kalimant...
Dinas Peternakan dan Tanaman Pangan (DISNAKTAN) Kota Tarakan Alamat : Gedung Gabungan Dinas II Lt.5 Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.76 Tarakan Kaliman...
Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah (BAPPEDA) Kota Tarakan Alamat : Jl. Kalimantan No.1 Tarakan (77131) Kalimantan Timur Borneo - Indonesi...
TARAKAN - Memeriahkan Hari Ulang Tahun (HUT) ke-13 Kota Tarakan , Dinas Kebudayaaan Pariwisata, Pemuda dan Olahraga (Disbudparpora) Kota Ta...
TARAKAN - enliven the Anniversary (HUT) of the 13 City of Tarakan, cultures Department of Tourism, Youth and Sports (Disbudparpora) Tarakan...
Tarakan - Every year end of December, exactly, the activities of the City Government will be more solid, be it related diperkantoran end of...
To realize the plan to build a bridge connecting the island of Tarakan City Sadau headed Bulungan, Tarakan City Government in cooperation wi...
TARAKAN - Relations Indonesia and Malaysia to this day still seems to heat up. Evidence, dozens of fishermen who are in Sub Lingkas Edge, C...
Universitas Borneo Tarakan - Hundreds of students and student together with staff of the University of Borneo (UB) Tarakan, on Wednesday (2...
TARAKAN - Despite the current City Government (City Government) Tarakan, still drafting the design to local regulations (draft) on the bird...
Tarakan city government who are planning to do deletion of assets in the form of official vehicles, the mayor affirmed H. Udin Hianggio, wil...
TARAKAN - Anticipating high demand for fuel oil (BBM) subsidy in Tarakan, Tarakan Pertamina Depot in mid-December will bring a special non-...
TARAKAN - Six students SDN Main Tarakan I finally won four titles at once diajang in Indonesia or the Indonesian Science Festival Science F...
Tarakan Expo 2010 "Inspirasi Bagi Indonesia" Tarakan - Setiap akhir tahun tepatnya bulan Desember, kegiatan Pemerintah Kota akan ...
Tarakan BAIS ~ Tarakan Kota Pendidikan ~ Tarakan The New Singapore ~ Tarakan Cyber City * Hari jadi Kota Tarakan yang ke 13 jatuh pada hari ...
Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika (DISKOMINFO) Kota Tarakan Alamat : Jl. Kalimantan No.1 Tarakan Tarakan (77131) Kalimantan Timur Borneo - I...
Dinas Kebudayaan, Pariwisata, Pemuda dan Olah Raga (DISBUDPARPORA) Kota Tarakan Alamat : Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No.76 Gedung GADIS I Lantai 4...
Badan Kepegawaian Daerah (BKD) Kota Tarakan Alamat : Jl. Kalimantan No.1 Tarakan (77131) Kalimantan Timur Borneo - Indonesia Telepon : 0551...
Universitas Borneo Tarakan - Ratusan mahasiswa dan mahasiswi bersama staf Universitas Borneo (UB) Tarakan, Rabu (24/11/2010) di Vip Room Ba...
TARAKAN - Meskipun saat ini Pemerintah Kota (Pemkot) Tarakan, masih menyusun draft rancang peraturan daerah (Raperda) tentang sarang burung...
Terbuka untuk Umum, Pemkot Tak Pasang Target Pemerintah kota Tarakan yang berencana melakukan penghapusan aset berupa kendaraan dinas, diteg...
TARAKAN - Mengantisipasi tingginya permintaan Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) bersubsidi di Tarakan, Depot Pertamina Tarakan pertengahan Desember ...
TARAKAN Borneo - Thousands of people packed the Grand Mosque Muslim Tarakan Tarakan for Eid al-Adha prayers, yesterday morning (17/11). ...
Tarakan Borneo - Got delayed several times due to administrative constraints, changes in the status of the University of Borneo (UB) Tarak...
Presiden Akan Resmikan UB Jadi Negeri di Jayapura – Sempat tertunda beberapa kali lantaran kendala administrasi, perubahan status Universit...
TARAKAN Borneo - It appears that many factors causing the water taps are not flowing through to the settlement residents, one of them use ...
TARAKAN Borneo - Eight units of shophouses (home stores) in the Market Boom built Pajang City Government (City Government) Tarakan through...
TARAKAN Borneo - The existence of citizen complaints RT 2 and RT 31 Kelurahan Karang Anyar, which has been two months dialir no water, PDA...
TARAKAN Borneo - Eight persons resident representative RT 2 and RT 31 Kelurahan Karang Anyar Beach, on Friday (19/11/2010) at 10.00 came t...
TARAKAN Borneo - To date, donations to disaster victims trim, Mentawai and collected Wasior Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) Tarakan Branch, has...
TARAKAN Borneo - As a form of concern for disaster victims, trim, Mentawai, and Wasior, the Indonesian Prosperity Trade Union (SBSI) Tarak...
TARAKAN Borneo - The density of the volume of vehicles on the road forced the Public Works Department Halmahera And Spatial (DPUTR) Taraka...
TARAKAN Borneo - Mayor of Tarakan Udin Hianggio with the Head of Sanitation Department Gardening and Cemetery (DKPP) Tarakan, Subono revie...
Tarakan Borneo - Mayor of Tarakan Hianggio Udin said, the data loss version of the Office of the Public Construction Tarakan due to the co...
TARAKAN Borneo - Six students SDN Main Tarakan I finally won four titles at once diajang in Indonesia or the Indonesian Science Festival S...
TARAKAN - Enam pelajar SDN Utama I Tarakan akhirnya meraih empat gelar juara sekaligus diajang di Festival Sains Indonesia atau Indonesian ...
TARAKAN Borneo - The widespread circulation of illegal meat allana brand of Indian origin in Tarakan, and the incessant raids of illegal m...
TARAKAN Borneo - Agricultural Quarantine Central Office Class II Tarakan related agency team destroy as much as 640 kilograms of illegal m...
Tarakan Borneo - City Government of Tarakan has spent approximately USD 4 billion to finance the citizens of intergroup conflict in late...
TARAKAN Borneo - Thanks to the concern in the health sector, the Mayor of Tarakan, Udin Hianggio Bakti Husada award winning Knights of the...
Complete Development Makolanud Borneo TARAKAN - Sticks of command leadership at the Air Base (air base) official Tarakan switching from Fl...
Mayor of Tarakan: Airport Name Juwata No Need to Replace Tarakan Borneo - Proposed change of name Juwata Tarakan airport to Airport DR Jus...
Borneo TARAKAN - Proposed change of name to International Airport Jusuf SK Juwata turns raises the pros and cons in the community. Several...
Tarakan Borneo - Community Tarakan in East Kalimantan will excite joy in Jepen Festival 2010. This effort to preserve local arts and cultu...