Losses Due to Conflict Reaches USD 3 M

Tarakan Borneo - Mayor of Tarakan Hianggio Udin said, the data loss version of the Office of the Public Construction Tarakan due to the conflict that occurred some time ago to reach USD 3 billion. While the version of the victims, losses reached approximately USD 5 billion more.

"In 10 agreements signed, mentioned provincial and municipal government will provide assistance and this is expected to be realized, so that should be considered together," said Udin, when Coffee Morning with ranks Muspida and community leaders at the Governor's Office on Monday (15/11 ) ago.

To provide assistance to victims, especially the losses from the fires and damage to property, Udin Hianggio ask for help the provincial government. In addition, the City Government of Tarakan also trying to raise funds from businessmen Tarakan.

"Whatever is given to treat the victims, so we hoped. There are several companies that helped but we do not check the spread account," said Udin. The amount of assistance will be given to the victims of the conflict, said Udin still be published.

Tarakan City Government alone has spent approximately USD 3 billion for handling conflict. Funds are used for handling refugees, security and the need for a span of conflict.

According to Udin, City Government of Tarakan can not just spend much less money as never before included in the budget. "Basically have to budget," he said. At present the matter to the Governor, the City Government of Tarakan not necessarily get assurance because the provincial government should discuss with the DPRD Kaltim first.

Coffee morning held at the Governor's Office was also attended by Governor Awang Faroek Isaac, Mayor of Balikpapan Imdaad Hamid, police chief Mathius Salempang and other Muspida ranks. (May)

Source: TribunKaltim (19 November 2010)
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