Six Students Tarakan National Olympic Champion

TARAKAN Borneo - Six students SDN Main Tarakan I finally won four titles at once diajang in Indonesia or the Indonesian Science Festival Science Festival (ISF) and the Olympic Indonesian Literature (OSI), which held the Ministry of National Education Directorate General of Primary and Medium (Mandikdasmen) from 9 to 14 November at the Garden Hotel Surabaya.

Consists of four champions, Champion Runner II and II for the Study of Science diajang ISF, Second Place and Third Place diajang OSI. Which boasts of four winners of this, when he joined the OSI event. Because in this event, followed by first-SDN Main I, but immediately won two champions at the same time.

Veranita one student who won the Second Place diajang OSI can claim to be happy winner. The reason for following this event he did not get into trouble. Even he had to give explanations before the jury.

"When I was in the jury room asked me to explain the summary of literature and poetry that I created. Time to give my explanation was not nervous and I was able to explain it," he said, after meeting with Vice Mayor Takrakan, Suhardjo Trianto, Monday (15/11 / 2010) in the Office of the City Government of Tarakan Imbaya space. (*)

Source: Tribun Kaltim (15 November 2010)
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