Posting Soon Tarakan City Government Vehicle Department

Tarakan city government who are planning to do deletion of assets in the form of official vehicles, the mayor affirmed H. Udin Hianggio, will be passed by way of public tender, in the sense of openly sold to the public.

"The mechanism does allow auctioned. The plan public auction, "said Udin Hianggio mayor.

He said the proposed removal of these assets in the form of an official letter from the secretary of the city not already know. "I do not see having just arrived from Japan. Perhaps my new Monday to know, "he said.

He said that if all the assets you want to delete and planned to be auctioned has fulfilled all requirements as outlined in the Minister of Home Affairs (Permendagri) No. 17 Year 2007 on Guidelines for Technical Management of the Region, in the near future the plan will soon be done.

Regarding the sales revenue target of dozens of motorcycles which proposed several SKPD this, the mayor said there was no specific revenue targets. "The target must refer to the condition of the bike," he explained.

He said also, in addition to motor, chances are there are still some more assets will also be auctioned. Among these four-wheeled cars that are also eligible for auction.

"But I do not know the amount. Still relevant SKPD handled, "said Udin Hianggio.

There are currently two work unit area (SKPD) in the scope of city government plans to auction off the two-wheeled vehicle which has been used as an operational vehicle. Namely from the Department of Education who proposed the 70 motor, and the Department of Revenue, Finance and Asset Management (DP2KA) who proposed the 20 motor. All motors are auctioned branded Yamaha Sigma output in 2000 and 2001.

Then how the official motorcycle to be auctioned? For example, under the combined building services (Girl) I, there were 11 motor with the same brand, Yamaha Sigma. Berderetan this bike was parked at the front. Everything berplat red, aka the government. These motors are some of the motor are planned to be bleached (wheat) through a public auction. His condition is now very dusty. This is understandable because this vehicle has not been used for a long time. Of the 11 vehicles, 7 of them suffered a flat tire. Whether it was parked while so flat, or indeed flat because a flat tire. In addition, only one motor which is equipped rearview mirror. Mounted on the left. And 8 motors are no longer equipped hood.

These motors is an asset to the city government-run Tarakan Revenue Service, Financial and Asset Management (DP2KA). In addition to this motor, there are still some who planned to join other motorcycle auctioned. In total there were 20 motorcycles with the same brand. "Motor others still dibengkel. If you put all the parking here is not enough, "said one employee in the building.

As with the condition of the motor in the Department of Education who also planned to also be auctioned. Of the planned total of 70 motorcycles participated auctioned, it is still used as school operational vehicles. It is said Wahjudi, Board of Education Office Goods, of the 70 motors that want to auction it, only 53 have been delivered to DP2KA city government as an asset manager, because of all the administrative and physical readiness of the motor 53 is already done, either in the form of vehicle tax, Signs Letter Number Vehicle (vehicle registration) and also Books Owner (BPKB). "The 23 other motor, there are still taken care of vehicle registration renewal. Also still completed his tax payment in SAMSAT, "Wahyudi said some time ago.

But of the 23 motors, about 40 percent, said Wahyudi, has completed the maintenance administration. While others are cultivated soon be finished. Obstacles during this because these motors are still used by the school, ie, as the principal operational vehicles and vice principal. "So still difficult to reach. Sometimes the motor that will be auctioned is located in a remote school. Sometimes his vehicle registration was dead, so it takes care of its extension. So is there an annual unpaid taxes, "said Wahjudi.

But the Education Department plans to auction off 23 motorcycles participated in this together 53 other motor is earlier submitted to DP2KA. "We hope that together," Wahyudi said.

Parties Education Department has also communicated this plan to the Department of Transportation to do the examination the physical condition of these 70 vehicles. From the results of that examination, note the physical condition of vehicles is below 25 percent. "The Affair had made the physical percentage of each vehicle. Of that percentage, DP2KA later determines the price, "he said.

Asset Maintenance Section Chief, DP2KA, M. Zainuddin had earlier said the plan for the elimination of government assets this city was proposed to the Mayor of Tarakan City, through the Secretary for approval. "If eventually approved Mr. Mayor, in a decree (decree) that will be explained, whether in terms of the auction sale, or assigned, or is destroyed," said Zainuddin.

According to him, there is the possibility of selling these motors because they still have economic value and are considered to assist regional treasury Tarakan city government. "It is still fit for use. Even if there are damaged can still be repaired, "he explained.

Average motor that wants this auction is operational procurement in fiscal year 2000 and 2001. So that has to be the elimination of assets by auction according to Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs (Permendagri) No. 17 Year 2007 on Guidelines for Technical Management of the Region, because it was past 5 years. The unit price of these motors, Zainuddin estimates that between $ 1 million up to Rp 5 million. "However, depending on their age and condition of motor vehicles," he said. In Permendagri also be explained if the value of movable assets in the form below Rp 5 billion, enough through the decree of the mayor without asking permission to Parliament. Meanwhile, if you want to remove it is land or buildings, although its value below Rp 5 billion, still must be submitted to parliament. "We plan to be auctioned later this year because it was proposed this year. Just waiting for the decree of the mayor alone, "said Zainuddin. (***)

Source: radartarakan (6 November 2010) Borneo
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