Almost Tarakan Fisherman Fisherman Malaysia Ship Fuel

TARAKAN - Relations Indonesia and Malaysia to this day still seems to heat up. Evidence, dozens of fishermen who are in Sub Lingkas Edge, City of Tarakan, Sunday (05/12/2010) almost burned the ship trawling (trawling) from Tawau, Malaysia Indonesian flag conducting illegal fishing in the waters of Tarakan.

Fortunately, the town of Tarakan fishing action can be prevented Unitary Implementation of Safety Harbor (KP3) Tarakan, so that the ship was not until burnt Tawau.

Four of the crew (ABK), which is in direct vessel secured at the Office of the City KP3 Tarakan.

Chairman RT 16, Lingkas Edge, Akas, admitted, its citizens almost burn, because the crew on board trawlers would fight back when reprimanded by fishermen Tarakan. Malaysian fishermen action that infuriated fishermen Tarakan.

"They were adamant, saying the ship was the ship of Indonesia. The period of Indonesian ships and physical form like this. Where there are fishing boats Indonesi like this. Surely this Tawau fishing boat, from its physical form and wrote already found out, "he said.

To convince the ship, along with other fishermen Akas vessel to examine documents. It turns out in the document that lists their ship type vessels of 5 GT, while the apparent physical vessel 10 GT and have the signature of the Department of Marine and Fisheries (DKP) Tarakan City

"What we wonder why the document had no signature from DKP City of Tarakan. That's why we ultimately report to the KP3 to solve the problem. We certainly do not accept the ship entered the waters of Tarakan Tawau to take hasi our oceans, "he said.

Meanwhile, Chief KP3, AKP BC Naidoo said the company is still reviewing the development of the case by requesting information from the crew and fishermen.

"Here we are still developing kasusunya," he met on Sunday (05/12/2010) in the Office of the KP3. (*)

Source: (December 6, 2010)
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