Quarantine Central Frezer Tarakan Minim

TARAKAN Borneo - The widespread circulation of illegal meat allana brand of Indian origin in Tarakan, and the incessant raids of illegal meat is carried out a joint team, making the engine coolant or frezer Agricultural Quarantine Central Office Class II Tarakan can not accommodate that raided the illegal meat .

Frezer engine owned Quarantine Central Office, it can only accommodate around 600 kilograms of meat, making meat illegal raids result of PP as much as 80 kilograms Satpol found some time ago, can not accommodate.

"Yes our capacity is not too much just about 600 pounds. Yesterday alone, there were 80 kilos of illegal meat from Satpol PP allana findings we receive, but because we frezer capacity is not enough, so only 40 kilograms of meat that can be accommodated, the rest we ask Satpol PP to save, "said Chief Agricultural Quarantine Central Office Class II Tarakan, Achmad Widodo, on Monday (15/11/2010) after doing the culling allana meat. (*)

Source: Tribun Kaltim (15 November 2010)
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