Tens Tarakan Perusda PAD Million Increase per Month

TARAKAN - In raising revenue (PAD) Tarakan City Government has entrusted the Regional Enterprise (Perusda) Tarakan municipal government to manage the two assets, namely a Swimming Pool House Patra and Markets Long Boom. During the run Perusda Tarakan PAD increased to tens of millions of dollars.

Director of Operations Perusda Tarakan Kartono Niti Sasmito revealed, during the run Perusda early December 2010, Swimming Pool House Patra can generate revenue amounting to Rp 25 million per month. Neither Boom Market Long-run since February 2011 can generate revenue amounting to Rp 30 million per month.

"Time was not until the third-party managed puluhah million dollars. For example, Wisma Patra time third-party managed only generate $ 7 million per month. While we could reach Rp 25 million per month. Moreover Market Boom length produces only 8 million per month and when we can manage reached Rp 30 million per month, "he said on Wednesday (06/07/2011) at the Media Center Office of Communications and Information (Diskominfo) City of Tarakan.

According Kartono, the amount of revenue amounting to Rp 25 million and USD 30 per month is net revenue. The problem has been reduced salaries and other operating costs. "All the revenue that we get this we deposited directly into the local treasury," he said. (*)

Writer: Junisah
Editor: Sumarsono

Sources: tribunnews.com (July 6, 2011)
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