Private Schools Do Commercial Hard Choosing Schools

Students are encouraged Gakin Go Disdik Tarakan

TARAKAN - Head of Education City of Tarakan, Sudirman request, private schools are opening opportunities for prospective students who received no public schools for failing to take advantage. "Please, private schools do a commercial," said Radar Tarakan Sudirman when met yesterday afternoon (5 / 7).

Sudirman said explaining the reason, private schools have gotten Education Assistance Operations. Although somewhat limited, Sudirman sure, it could help private schools carry out educational process for students.

"Pity the other students who want to school, but blocked a fairly high cost," he said.

Likewise with the applicants who come from poor families, Sudirman appealed for the children. If it is difficult to choose the school, the applicant can directly go to the Education Office to be directed to the school that could accommodate them.

"If a junior high school willing to please to the field of Secondary Education, if the SD coming to Basic Education. Later we will drive them, "said the former head of a junior this Selor Tanjung told reporters.

Sources: (July 6, 2011)
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