City Government of Tarakan Set Circulation of Alcoholic Beverages

City Government (City Government) Tarakan states do not prohibit the circulation of alcoholic beverages in Tarakan. This statement affirmed the Regional Secretary (Secretary) Tarakan City, on Thursday (24/02/2011) after holding a meeting of alcoholic beverages in his office.

Secretary issued this statement, related to 67 entrepreneurs disappointment of alcoholic beverages, due to the revocation of business license for trade in alcoholic beverages (SIUP MB) by the Office of Industry Trade Cooperation (Disperindagkop and SMEs) Tarakan, consequently they could not sell.

"We are here not prohibit the circulation of alcoholic beverages, it's just that we regulate the circulation of alcoholic drinks. When set means that there are rules and mechanisms of alcoholic beverages made ​​businessman," he said.

As information, from 73 alcoholic beverage establishments in Tarakan, only six establishments that allowed menjualan alcoholic drinks group A, B, and C. While the 67 premises alcoholic beverages are not allowed and eventually Disperindagkop and SMEs Tarakan City issued the Decree of the revocation SIUP MB.

Author: Junisah
Editor: Reza Rashid Umar

Source: Tribun Kaltim (February 24, 2011)
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