Tarakan City Government Launches Website LPSE

Besides the launch of the book Footsteps to Success Udin Hianggio as Mayor of Tarakan, on Tuesday (03/01/2011) at Function Room Tarakan city government, there will also launch a website pengadan Service in electronic goods and services (LPSE) City Government (City Government) Tarakan.

With the launch of LPSE City Government of Tarakan, meaning to auction procurement of goods and services across regional work units (SKPD) City Government of Tarakan conducted online on the internet and managed by the Office of Communications and Informatics (Diskominfo) City of Tarakan.

Head Diskominfo Ruslan claimed, using LPSE, facilitate the public to access and more simple. "With this auction enthusiasts can access more easily and smoothly to know the requirements of the auction. But it will still just a tender announcement only, and to return it to our activities SKPD each," he said yesterday (28/02/2011)

Sekdar information, appropriate application of this LPSE Presidential Regulation No. 54/2010 on Guidelines for Procurement Government, successor to the Presidential Decree No. 80 of 2003, which became effective from 2011. With this LPSE also can facilitate absorption of the budget, reducing the potential for corruption, expanding opportunities for vendors participate in the tender, and encourage professionalism.

Author: Junisah
Editor: Reza Rashid Umar

Source: Tribun Kaltim (February 28, 2011)
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