Process Has Done Tarakan discipline of civil servants
Team Advisory Board Position and Rank (Baperjakat) Tarakan City has completed the process and mechanism of discipline against two second echelon civil servants who could not attend the inauguration. Both officials are Firmannur and Suparlan.
Baperjakat Chairman who is also Secretary of the City of Tarakan Badrun reveals, both civil servants have been undergoing a series of processes and mechanisms according to Government Regulation (PP) No. 53 year 2010 about the discipline of civil servants.
"When we do the process and mechanism internally, between subordinates with superiors in accordance with applicable regulations, it turns out we see that happening so far only miskomunikasi.Mudah I hope there is an element in question was already aware of this miscommunication, and then the concerned will do the job and obligations in accordance with applicable regulations, "said Badrun, Tuesday (02/22/2011).
As is known on 29 January, carried mutations in the structural position of echelon II, III and IV, in the Environment City Government of Tarakan. But when done inauguration oath of office and Suparlan Firmananur absent. In the inauguration Firmannur mutated into the Head of the Managing the Environment (BPLH) and Suparlan mutated into Expert Staff Development Division Mayor. (*)
Firmannur and Suparlan Apologizes to the mayor
Related absenteeism in the neighborhood during the inauguration of the City Government of Tarakan, Suparlan Firmannur and even apologized to the City Government of Tarakan, and especially to the Mayor of Tarakan Udin Hianggio.
"I am a civil servant and as personal, as well as subordinates to superiors, as well as children with parents, for it is with oversized heart, I apologize to the City Government of Tarakan, especially to Mr Mayor of Tarakan," he said on Tuesday (22/02/2011) .
The apology was made Suparlan. Suprlan which also has followed the process and mechanism of discipline civil servants admit, as a civil servant and he personally apologized to the City Government of Tarakan, and also the Mayor of Tarakan Udin Hianggio. "I apologize to the City Government of Tarakan, and the Mayor of Tarakan," he said. (*)
Author: Junisah
Editor: Sumarsono
Source: (February 22, 2011)
Baperjakat Chairman who is also Secretary of the City of Tarakan Badrun reveals, both civil servants have been undergoing a series of processes and mechanisms according to Government Regulation (PP) No. 53 year 2010 about the discipline of civil servants.
"When we do the process and mechanism internally, between subordinates with superiors in accordance with applicable regulations, it turns out we see that happening so far only miskomunikasi.Mudah I hope there is an element in question was already aware of this miscommunication, and then the concerned will do the job and obligations in accordance with applicable regulations, "said Badrun, Tuesday (02/22/2011).
As is known on 29 January, carried mutations in the structural position of echelon II, III and IV, in the Environment City Government of Tarakan. But when done inauguration oath of office and Suparlan Firmananur absent. In the inauguration Firmannur mutated into the Head of the Managing the Environment (BPLH) and Suparlan mutated into Expert Staff Development Division Mayor. (*)
Firmannur and Suparlan Apologizes to the mayor
Related absenteeism in the neighborhood during the inauguration of the City Government of Tarakan, Suparlan Firmannur and even apologized to the City Government of Tarakan, and especially to the Mayor of Tarakan Udin Hianggio.
"I am a civil servant and as personal, as well as subordinates to superiors, as well as children with parents, for it is with oversized heart, I apologize to the City Government of Tarakan, especially to Mr Mayor of Tarakan," he said on Tuesday (22/02/2011) .
The apology was made Suparlan. Suprlan which also has followed the process and mechanism of discipline civil servants admit, as a civil servant and he personally apologized to the City Government of Tarakan, and also the Mayor of Tarakan Udin Hianggio. "I apologize to the City Government of Tarakan, and the Mayor of Tarakan," he said. (*)
Author: Junisah
Editor: Sumarsono
Source: (February 22, 2011)