Construction of Houses of Worship in Tarakan, Rawan Friction

TARAKAN - Establishment of a house of worship for any religious people in Indonesia, has been arranged in a joint decree (SKB) of the Houses of Worship / Joint Regulation (Perber) Minister of Religious Affairs and Ministry of Home Affairs No.. 8 and 9 / 2006 About the Guidelines for the Implementation Task Regional Head / Deputy Head of the Maintenance of Religious Harmony, Empowerment Forum for Religious Harmony, and the Construction of Houses of Worship. This is a government effort to minimize vulnerability to conflict among people, due to no agreement about the establishment of a house owned by one of the main religious worship.

On that, as one of the main coordinating agency interfaith Communication Forum (FKUB) Tarakan City felt the need to disseminate the contents of these Perber, not only to the level of district and village level officials but to the extent the general public and students. "There is no doubt that the establishment of houses of worship, the most prone to lead to friction in the race. This is what should be wary and be addressed immediately, "said H Salafa Hepa, representatives of Islamic religious leaders in FKUB Tarakan at a media briefing at the Media Center Diskominfo Tarakan City, yesterday morning.

Moreover, to establish a house of worship, FKUB intervened by issuing a recommendation on whether or not a site set up houses of worship. "Before the recommendation came out, we conducted a field survey to see the location and status, public response and other requirements as may be necessary to know," said the Rev. Khalep Ramat, representatives of Christian leaders FKUB Tarakan replied.

Standard administration of the establishment of houses of worship, according Perber No. 8 and 9 / 2006 of which the status of the land is clear, has a BMI, approved by the people and local communities. On this last point, the organizers of the establishment of houses of worship must obtain the approval of at least 90 statements from people who will use it when houses of worship have been established. Approval is accompanied by a signature and a photocopy of the identity of the people. "Then, shall obtain the approval of the local community, at least 60 people," said Father Rajabana, representatives of Catholic leaders FKUB Tarakan. This year, FKUB recommendations received 6 requests the establishment of houses of worship. Namely, located in Ujung Lingkas, Juwata (3 units), and White Sand Beach Charity.

Then, what if it turns out the house of worship established plan, his people a little bit? "When that happens, then the requirement of approval of members and the public can level up to the level above it. Start neighborhood, up to the level of village, district and even further into the city level, until the number of people and communities that agree to meet the criteria, "said David, representatives of Hindu leaders FKUB Tarakan. (Ndy)

Sources: (July 6, 2011)
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