Youth Awareness of State for Defense Declines

TARAKAN - Bela country is the attitude and behavior of citizens is animated by his love for the Unitary Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and 1945 Constitution in establishing the viability of the whole nation and country. Moreover, the state is an absolute defense to do every citizen of Indonesia. This was conveyed by head of National Unity, Politics and Public Protection (Bankesbangpol-Well) Tarakan Agus Sutanto on the Socialization of Human Rights for CBOs and community leaders in New York City, yesterday in Room Imbaya. "Youth and the country's defense needs. And, a must for the youth to act responsibly with this important undertaking. When the youth had had no awareness of defending the country then this is a grave danger to the life of the nation, "said Agus.

Continued, the current condition of Indonesia is one of the main indicators that most youth Indonesia decreased awareness and the importance of defending the country. "The threat to defending the country, came from abroad also come from within the country. Well, that of the more dominating in this country and should be more wary. How, we should be grateful for the diversity of ethnicities, languages ​​and religions that exist in the beloved homeland, "said Agus, yesterday. But, must realize also that the diversity they contain the potential for conflict if not managed properly will be a source of disintegration.

Well, anything that can interfere with awareness to defend the country at youth level? "The thinness of social awareness and sensitivity at the level of youth. Then, the mastery of science and technology that is not equitable for the youth, "Agus briefly at an event attended by Vice-Mayor of Tarakan Suhardjo, Eka Juraidah (representatives of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights Regional Office of East Kalimantan Province), and the head of the Legal Setkot Tarakan H Budiono.

So, what to do young man? "Building awareness that by being able to maintain the image of youth, has become part of keeping this country from the downturn and of course strengthen our identity. And, as established Pancasila Pancasila philosophy of life by maintaining and running the mandate contained therein, "he said. (Ndy)

Sources: (July 6, 2011)
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