At Tarakan, Thousands Drug List G and Miras Destroyed

TARAKAN - Vice Governor of East Kalimantan Tarakan Farid Wadjdy Udin Hianggio with Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Tarakan Suhardjo Trianto together culled thousands of G a list of drugs, and several grams of shabu-shabu (SS) and 1500 bottles of liquor (alcohol) in Front of Stadium Datu Adil, Monday (6/27/2011).

Culling the list of drugs G and SS carried out by fire. While bottles of alcoholic drinks of various brands, including cap tilt, beer, vodka demolished using excavators.

Destruction is done in commemorating the International Day Against Drugs (Hani). Thousands of G a list of drugs, alcohol and SS is the catch of Tarakan City District Attorney for six months from January to June 2011. Suspects who have evidence of this drug has also been subjected to punishment remains.

Writer: Junisah
Editor: Fransina

Sources: (June 27, 2011)
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