27 People with HIV / AIDS New in Tarakan
TARAKAN - Public Health (Health Office) Tarakan City records for five months from January to May 2011 HIV / AIDS is new in Tarakan city by 27 people. People with HIV / AIDS is no old toddler, kids, teens to adults.
"Those who suffer from HIV / AIDS still continues under the supervision of health office, accompanied by their counselors. They treated us well by giving a drug," said City Health Office Head of Tarakan, Khairul.
Khairul said, as the prevention of HIV / AIDS in New York City, the institute has established a post counseling or Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) in health centers, one at the health center Sebengkok.
"With the VCT can be known whether HIV / AIDS or not. If you have HIV / AIDS must be given treatment by the VCT team. In fact, 27 people with HIV / AIDS who recently also been found, because they came to the VCT clinic," he said.
Writer: Junisah
Editor: Ola Mathias Masan
Sumber: Tribun Kaltim
Sources: kaltim.tribunnews.com (June 29, 2011)
"Those who suffer from HIV / AIDS still continues under the supervision of health office, accompanied by their counselors. They treated us well by giving a drug," said City Health Office Head of Tarakan, Khairul.
Khairul said, as the prevention of HIV / AIDS in New York City, the institute has established a post counseling or Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) in health centers, one at the health center Sebengkok.
"With the VCT can be known whether HIV / AIDS or not. If you have HIV / AIDS must be given treatment by the VCT team. In fact, 27 people with HIV / AIDS who recently also been found, because they came to the VCT clinic," he said.
Writer: Junisah
Editor: Ola Mathias Masan
Sumber: Tribun Kaltim
Sources: kaltim.tribunnews.com (June 29, 2011)