The Vice Mayor and Community Leaders To Restore SPT Tarakan

TARAKAN - Deputy Mayor of Tarakan Suhardjo together elements Tarakan Muspida and community leaders on Friday (11/03/2011) went to the Tax Office (KPP) Pratama Tarakan. They are busy-busy restore the Annual (SPT) tax.

Returns SPT performed Tarakan City officials as one form of tax socialization KPP Pratama Tarakan held, to urge people to report tax return on time.

Suhardjo said, with returns expected to restore the community to play an active role in paying the tax. "Because this is also for the success and progress for the development of our region well," he said. (*)

Author: Junisah
Editor: Sumarsono

Source: tribunnews (March 11, 2011)
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