Community Awareness Tarakan Pay Higher Taxes

Tax paying public awareness in Tarakan and Nunukan was quite high. This is evidenced by the tax revenue target has been determined that the Tax Office (KPP) Pratama Tarakan met.

Year 2010 STO which oversees the two regions, Tarakan and Nunukan manargetkan tax revenue of Rp 621 billion and has been met. STO target year 2011 tax revenue of Rp 755 billion.

"We are targeting tax of Rp 755 billion this year, because we believe people Tarakan and Nunukan growing by day in paying taxes. The proof is only in 2010 that our tax revenue target can be met," said Chief KPP Pratama Tarakan Lidia Kuntjahjaningtyas, Friday (11 / 3 / 2011) in KPP Pratama Tarakan. (*)

Author: Junisah
Editor: Sumarsono

Source: tribunnews (March 11, 2011)
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