Employees Salaries KONI Tarakan Not Paid
TARAKAN - Not yet issued the Decree of the KONI Kaltim to Jusuf SK as Ketum KONI Tarakan selected, to impact with KONI activities ranging from employee, to the athletes.
The impact happened, until now KONI employee salaries unpaid for three months, as well as operational costs of telephone and water for two months not yet paid, until there is no bonus athletes who get a medal at the Provincial Sports Week (Porprov) IV 2010, which implemented in Bontang.
"We urge the KONI Kaltim SK publish soon. I also asked not to any intervention in this regard. Because there is no decree was greatly impacted by our athlete's achievements and of course the Tarakan City community," said Chairman of the Leadership Council Ketum Pemilihan KONI Tarakan City in 2011 Musorkotlub , Ahzami Masrie Thursday (04/17/2011) in the Office of Datu Adil KONI Stadium.
Author: Junisah
Editor: Reza Rashid Umar
Source: Tribun Kaltim
The impact happened, until now KONI employee salaries unpaid for three months, as well as operational costs of telephone and water for two months not yet paid, until there is no bonus athletes who get a medal at the Provincial Sports Week (Porprov) IV 2010, which implemented in Bontang.
"We urge the KONI Kaltim SK publish soon. I also asked not to any intervention in this regard. Because there is no decree was greatly impacted by our athlete's achievements and of course the Tarakan City community," said Chairman of the Leadership Council Ketum Pemilihan KONI Tarakan City in 2011 Musorkotlub , Ahzami Masrie Thursday (04/17/2011) in the Office of Datu Adil KONI Stadium.
Author: Junisah
Editor: Reza Rashid Umar
Source: Tribun Kaltim