Tarakan Small Cities Included Comfortable Huni

Tempo Why choose the theme "City of Little Comfort Huni" for People of Architecture 2010? Starting from the accumulation of problems in the capital Jakarta. Throughout 2010, practically no good news about Jakarta. The chronic traffic congestion, which in turn makes the central government took over efforts to overcome them. Vice President Boediono also formed a special team.

Flood. Old story that increasingly bind the Jakarta because of the impact of increasingly complex climate change-plus factors that disrupt the season. Flooding also resulted in more congestion not biodegradable. The man was angry and frustrated at having to spend time and energy on the road.

Jakarta, such as problems with no solution. Until the discourse transfer capital out of Jakarta. Various scholars submit proposals. Even seminars and discussion took place in different levels: local to national.

What's worse, the national capital area of 740.28 square kilometers, with a population of about 9.5 million people, and the intensity density of 14,464 per square kilometer walk without direction. Spatial Planning and Regional 2010 2030 to late 2010 is still a draft, not yet approved as a binding legal product.

Rather than continue to grumble and criticize, yet not too Jakarta turned into good, better look for alternatives. This is the subject of our discussion with the jury selection Tempo Architecture People of 2010, is the architect of management Institute of Architects of Indonesia, Bambang Eryudhawan; landscape experts from the University of Trisakti, Nirwono Joga, and architects are artists, Yori of Inter. Finally, we agreed on the theme "Small town city Huni Comfortable."

The choice was not without foundation considerations warmth.

First, major themes of the World Cities Spatial Day is a smart green city planning, city bright green. This well is the reason we "avoid" major cities, such as the capital of the state or province. Because, in Indonesia, there will be no examples of large cities in the category planned intelligently. If anything, maybe just one or two.

Second, considering the presence of corruption. Convenient city for habitation (livable) impossible or very difficult to materialize when pemangkunya corrupt. It's hard to find big city clean of corruption. For that, we look at the results of surveys of corruption perceptions index of Transparency International Indonesia to 50 cities in Indonesia. Cities that enter the sequence 1 25 crossed out corrupt city.

Nirwono Joga, which many judge the competition of urban planning, strengthening the second reason in three sizes to choose city: in terms of ecological, economic, and social. "This is the entry point. What we select the city clean city in the sense of clean in governance, clean city, and the wheels of its economy running," he said.

Third, as written in the column "Turning to the City of Comfort Huni" by Eko Budihardjo, professor of architecture and urban Diponegoro University, Semarang. Trends in the world is now no longer discuss the big cities like New York and Los Angeles, because in places like that have too many bad things that degrade the quality of human life. Tata cities of the world is focusing on small towns comfortable to live in, because in addition to more humanely and democratically organized, could be an alternative for people to live and prosper.

Having agreed with the theme, the next set of zoning, because it is impossible to compare the size of Java with cities outside Java. So dibagilah into western, central, and east. Finally selected small cities, led by the mayor in Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi.

Each city had a choice of distinctive features and strengths. Of all the options under debate, observations, reportage, and interviews a variety of sources, tersaringlah eight cities: Sawahlunto in West Sumatra, Tegal and Surakarta in Central Java, Blitar in East Java, South Kalimantan Banjarbaru, Balikpapan and Tarakan in East Kalimantan, and smells smell in the Southeast.

People of Architecture Award this time we give to local stakeholders, namely the mayor and his team, who managed to make them comfortable city for habitation.

Person in charge: Bina Bektiati, Coordinator: Ahmad Taufik, Authors: Ahmad Taufik, Adek Media, Harun Mahbub, Tito Sianipar, Reporter: Tito Sianipar (Banjarbaru), Harun Mahbub (Baubau), Imran Ma (Lhokseumawe), Soetana Monang Hasibuan (Sibolga / Siantar), Febrianti (Sawahlunto), Arif Ardiansyah (Pagaralam), Jayaram Supriyadin (Tasikmalaya), Edi Faisol and Sohirin (Tegal), Day Tri Wasono (Blitar), Sri Gunawan Wibisono (Aberdeen), Suherman Madani (Parepare), Photography : Aryus P. Soekarno (coordinator) Design: Ehwan Kurniawan (coordinator), Agus Darmawan Setiadi, Kiagus Auliansyah, Watno Tri Widodo. Language: Sapto Nugroho, Dewi Kartika Teguh.

Source: Tempo Magazine (January 3, 2011)
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