Beware of the City Health Office Transmission of Diphtheria Tarakan

Tarakan BORNEO - Chief Medical Officer (Health) Tarakan, Khairul states, until now there has been no report of Tarakan citizens diphtheria disease. Although the East Kalimantan in three areas, namely Samarinda, Balikapan has found patients died of diphtheria.

Khairul said, while working at the Tarakan Health Service from 1998 until 2010 or during the 12 years have not been getting reports of the disease diphtheria in Tarakan. "I started to become chief of staff there has never been dinkes incoming reports about the disease diphtheria in Tarakan," he said, Thursday (13 / 5)

Even so, remain wary of Tarakan Dinkes spread of the disease. Health conduct immunization and vaccine to toddlers in the neighborhood health center and health center, to make this cultural-health counseling in the clinic. (*)

Source: Tribun Kaltim (May 13, 2010)
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