Tarakan City Nomination of National Healthy Cities 2011

TARAKAN - Kota Tarakan back to being nominated for the award-winning national Healthy Cities 2011. The assessment team from the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Home Affairs will visit the City of Tarakan.

The assessment team plans center for two days, 7-8 July 2011 will make an assessment in Tarakan. The assessment team will visit hospitals, health centers, schools and several residential city of Tarakan.

In this assessment there are nine orders of life aspects of health are assessed. Covers, healthy housing, healthy forests, food and nutrition, healthy office, orderly traffic and transportation. Healthy self-reliant, socially and economically.

Chairman of the Healthy City Forum City of Tarakan Salepa Hepa revealed, the City of Tarakan was the second time it was awarded the Healthy City in 2007 and 2009 with the award Wiwerda.

"Hopefully in 2011 we again get a better appreciation Healthy City is an award Wisatara increase again," he said on Thursday (30/06/2011). (*)

Writer: Junisah
Editor: Sumarsono

Sources: kaltim.tribunnews.com (June 30, 2011)
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