Tarakan City Government civil servants can not pay the 13

TARAKAN - Until now, the 13th salary for civil servants (PNS) within the municipal government has not liquid Tarakan. And Director General of Treasury Ministry of Finance promised the 13th salary will be in early July of this liquid.

"To my knowledge have not been cashed. But I hope this 13th salary should be paid during the fasting month. For the month of fasting let alone approaching Eid, of course, the need arose., Given that civil servants no longer get the THR (Allowance Day) so if it is paid when the fasting is very precise once, "said Mayor of Tarakan, Udin Hianggio, Tuesday (07/05/2011)

According to Udin, he did not know exactly how the budget allocation to 13 for the 3800 salary of civil servants in Tarakan, because who knows Revenue Service, Treasury and Asset Management (DP2KA) City of Tarakan. "I do not know how much the total budget, but well they certainly will get one month salary," he said.

As is known, the Director General of the Ministry of Finance Treasury Suprijanto Agus said the government raised civil servant salaries this year by about 10-15 percent. The increase in base salary was listed in the Government Regulation Number 11 Year 2011 concerning the Thirteenth Amendment to Government Regulation Number 7 Year 1977 About the Regulation of Civil Service Salaries.

Writer: Junisah
Editor: Reza Rashid Umar
Sumber: Tribun Kaltim

Sources: kaltim.tribunnews.com (July 5, 2011)
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