Parents Work Permit, Register for Children and Schools
TARAKAN - For parents enroll their children in school are not willing to permit to work and perform activities earlier than on previous days. This is experienced Rudiasnyah and Lana, parents prospective students.
Rusdiansyah claimed, because they have to enroll their children in SMPN 2 Tarakan, he was willing to ask for permission at the office to miss work.
"I ask permission of the office, if this Friday does not come to work because of children enrolled in school," he said, which met after the registration at the junior high N 2 Tarakan, on Friday (07/01/2011)
Rudiansyah said, to ask permission off from work, he has been planning ahead in order to permit of his office.
"Well thankfully offices allow for time off," he said smiling.
Writer: Junisah
Editor: Reza Rashid Umar
Sumber: Tribun Kaltim
Sources: (July 1, 2011)
Rusdiansyah claimed, because they have to enroll their children in SMPN 2 Tarakan, he was willing to ask for permission at the office to miss work.
"I ask permission of the office, if this Friday does not come to work because of children enrolled in school," he said, which met after the registration at the junior high N 2 Tarakan, on Friday (07/01/2011)
Rudiansyah said, to ask permission off from work, he has been planning ahead in order to permit of his office.
"Well thankfully offices allow for time off," he said smiling.
Writer: Junisah
Editor: Reza Rashid Umar
Sumber: Tribun Kaltim
Sources: (July 1, 2011)