Hamsyah: e-ID card, Multi Function
Media Center Diskominfo City of Tarakan, - Department of Population and Civil (Disdukcapil) Tarakan City on Thursday (06/23) yesterday held a press conference with some information about the functions and advantages of e-ID card or an electronic ID card.
Secretary Disdukcapil, Hamsyah, SE confirmed that the Parent Population Number (VIN) will be valid for life and in the process will only be extended for five years or so and e-ID card will be applied nationally.
"All the data stored in central data bank, so all the VIN will be applicable in all parts of Indonesia," he said.
Hamsyah explained, the e-ID card will also be used as an ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) and the number of insurance claims, but its implementation is still in draft by the Ministry of Home Affairs Republic of Indonesia.
"Still in the planning in cooperation with employees' social security and banking," jalasnya.
In addition, the future of e-ID cards also function as a major portal in pemasulan data or making a double identity, to the passport fraud in the making.
"With the implementation of e-ID cards, will minimize the falsification of data for someone who is often the case," explained the former head of Electronic Data Processing Office of the City of Tarakan.
TT - OZ - DD, Diskominfo Tarakan City
Sources: tarakankota.go.id (June 24, 2011)
Secretary Disdukcapil, Hamsyah, SE confirmed that the Parent Population Number (VIN) will be valid for life and in the process will only be extended for five years or so and e-ID card will be applied nationally.
"All the data stored in central data bank, so all the VIN will be applicable in all parts of Indonesia," he said.
Hamsyah explained, the e-ID card will also be used as an ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) and the number of insurance claims, but its implementation is still in draft by the Ministry of Home Affairs Republic of Indonesia.
"Still in the planning in cooperation with employees' social security and banking," jalasnya.
In addition, the future of e-ID cards also function as a major portal in pemasulan data or making a double identity, to the passport fraud in the making.
"With the implementation of e-ID cards, will minimize the falsification of data for someone who is often the case," explained the former head of Electronic Data Processing Office of the City of Tarakan.
TT - OZ - DD, Diskominfo Tarakan City
Sources: tarakankota.go.id (June 24, 2011)