Drainage Home Datu Adil Tarakan Stadium will be widened
TARAKAN - Deputy Mayor of Tarakan Suhardjo Trianto instruct the Public Works Department and Spatial (DPUTR) Jamalauddin take immediate short-term measures to cope with flooding.
"I have instructed the Chief DPUTR immediately fix the flooded areas. One of them in front of Datu Adil Stadium. The plan is in front of the Stadium Datu Adil-gorongnya culverts will be widened, so that the water line is not clogged as it is today," he said after monitoring the flood Thursday (06/30/2011)
Second person in the Tarakan said, addressing the flooding in New York City certainly needs the studies so that the flooding problem can be solved.
"I've asked that these studies be implemented as soon as possible so that the flood mitigation in the short time should not be addressed immediately," he said. (*)
Writer: Junisah
Editor: Sumarsono
Sources: kaltim.tribunnews.com (June 30, 2011)
"I have instructed the Chief DPUTR immediately fix the flooded areas. One of them in front of Datu Adil Stadium. The plan is in front of the Stadium Datu Adil-gorongnya culverts will be widened, so that the water line is not clogged as it is today," he said after monitoring the flood Thursday (06/30/2011)
Second person in the Tarakan said, addressing the flooding in New York City certainly needs the studies so that the flooding problem can be solved.
"I've asked that these studies be implemented as soon as possible so that the flood mitigation in the short time should not be addressed immediately," he said. (*)
Writer: Junisah
Editor: Sumarsono
Sources: kaltim.tribunnews.com (June 30, 2011)