545 Students PKBM Follow Exam Package C

TARAKAN - Implementation of the National Education Equivalency Exam (UNPK) the first wave of 2011 in the City of Tarakan to the program package A (equivalent to elementary), package B (junior high), and package C (equivalent to high school) has started on Tuesday (5 / 7) yesterday.

The number of examinees this year the C package as many as 545 students attended Center for Teaching and Learning Activities (PKBM) and 194 students on the package B. Meanwhile, 93 students registered as participants of the package A.

Head of Education Tarakan, Sudirman said UNPK implementation in this first wave will last about two weeks that includes 5 to July 8 for package C. Meanwhile, 12 to July 14 for the package A and B.

For the second wave planned for next September 13 to 16 for package C, and began 20 to 22 September mendatanag for package A and B. "The operation carried out at 10 points of them in SD 018, 009, 010, SMP 6, and SMA 2 Tarakan with eye exams social studies, science, and vocational education," said Sudirman.

Reflecting in 2010, the public interest in Tarakan participants this year increased the C package. "If the number had grown because people who came seeking work in this city who were armed only with a diploma or something while working," said Sudirman told Radar Tarakan.

However in detail, the total package of C participants last year he admitted to not memorized. "We are grateful that their interest (student package C, Ed.) To get a high school diploma equivalent package of increasingly high C, then we assist in the learning process," he said.

Sudirman added, the program package is no charge except the cost of education during the PKBM. "People who take the test this package means he has learned in PKBM. This means that they register PKBM her, "said Sudirman

Head of Out of School Education and Sports, Wiyono added, the number of illiterates in the town of Tarakan this year is estimated at 150 people. "However, if they want to be honest could have been more than that, because most dishonest, but we are still socialized to the people of the neighborhood level, with independent PNPM program so that data can be accurate," said Education Department officials Tarakan it. (Sur)

Sources: radartarakan.co.id (July 6, 2011)
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