Help Kemenhut KPHL Building in Tarakan

TARAKAN - Ministry of Forestry Republic of Indonesia (Kemenhut RI) plans to help the development of building unity of Forest Protection (KPHL) in Tarakan.

The plan there are two alternative locations chosen for the location of the KPLH Building, Village One, near the unit and the Amal Beach Fires near Orchid Garden.

According to the Head of Public Relations RI Kemhut Masyhud said, KPHL Building development assistance as a form of appreciation to the City Government of Tarakan Kemenhut very concerned about the field of forestry. For example, tree planting activities and also care about conservation magrove.

"We always have a report forestry activities conducted in this Tarakan city. One of them is often planted trees. Looking at this we should give appreciation by providing development assistance KPHL building," he said after the ceremony Socialization Forestry Development Policy and Environmental Policy in the Information Services Kemenhut cooperation with the City Government of Tarakan, on Thursday (03/10/2011) at Balroom Swissbel Hotel. (*)

Author: Junisah
Editor: Sumarsono

Source: Tribun Kaltim (10 March 2011)
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