Branch of Bank CIMB Niaga Tarakan Inaugurated

Mayor of Tarakan Udin Hianggio inaugurate the operation of CIMB Niaga Branch Office in Jalan Mulawarman Tarakan, on Wednesday (01/19/2011). This is an office of Bank Niaga to-758 in Indonesia and to a bank office network-40 in eastern Indonesia.

Area Manager of East Indonesia, Rahmat A Haris VP, revealed Tarakan chosen as one of the founding of the office, because Tarakan saving opportunity that is promising is menjadicenter points in the Northern region of East Kalimantan. "We see in Tarakan pertumbuhkan economy is very advanced, and the product distribution was running normally. So we believe that opportunities to increase economic growth in Tarakan can run well," he said.

Rahmat said that, as a form of support economic growth in Tarakan side utilizing human resources (HR) derived from Tarakan. (*)

Source: tribunkaltim (January 19, 2011)
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