Winner wins the Best Stand Tarakan in Indonesia City Expo I 2010

Tarakan Borneo - One title back disabet prestigious event in the City of Tarakan Indonesia City Expo (ICE) in 2010 which lasted for five days (July 26 to 30) in the field Gasibu, namely Winner Best Stand I of 77 booths available.

During the City Expo, the City Government of Tarakan Stand pretty crowded by the visitors. In general, they want to know the original product to be seeded from Tarakan. One visitor (Kiki Rizkia, red) that successfully we interviewed said keingintauannya against Soka Crabs are on the rise in Tarakan.

"I want to see what the Soka Crab? Since I heard that the crab is currently a pre-eminent, especially for processed into various culinary, "says original Bandung youth who are currently pioneering effort in the Flower City Cuisine.

Winner wins the Best Stand Tarakan in Indonesia City Expo I was very interested with the Crab 2010Dirinya Soka because easily processed, and the results are very indulgent culinary explorers tongue. "I've tried culinary ingredients processed from Soka Crab, and it feels really champion when just fried in flour packing," he explained.

In addition to Soka Crab, Tarakan City Government led by Economic & Development Section, and supported the Department of Marine & Fishery, Disperindagkopin SMEs, Public Relations & Information Section, BKD, Bappeda, and Forest Service show the original product areas such as Shrimp, Fruit Lai, arranging fruit, fish Thin etc, really - really succeeded in drawing attention of visitors.

The success of the City Government of Tarakan won the Best Stand I, explained Head of Ekbang, Hamid Amren, SE, ie, Tarakan has a superior product featuring native, best practices by local government management of public services such as management in the field of hygiene, the application of IT in several SKPD, Mangrove forest management. Tarakan City Government also contributed to three tree species Aghatis in the event ICE 2010 as a contribution to prevent Global Warming.

In addition to the second and third positions were occupied Stand Stand Surabaya City Government and the Central Jakarta City Government. Of the 77 booths that followed comprised 54 ICE 2010 Stand municipal government in Indonesia as a member APEKSI, the rest of the Stand Departments, Ministries, Non Government Institutions Department, Pemrov throughout Indonesia, and Private. DD, Public Relations & Information

Source: (6 August 2010)
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