Universitas Borneo Tarakan Ready So PTN

Tarakan Borneo - The process of changing the status of the University of Borneo Tarakan (UBT) to State University (PTN) in the northern East Kalimantan (Kaltim) will be determined on Tuesday (22 / 6) future. At that time, the management of UBT and four other universities that will be transformed into a state will hold a final presentation in the presence of a number of relevant officials in charge of the Ministry Country of Administrative Reform (State Ministry for the PAN). Earlier, on Monday (21 / 6) UBT management will hold a similar event at the Ministry of National Education (Events Calendar).

Academic Vice Rector I, Prof. Dr. M. Bahri Arifin mention if the presentation in the two ministries is the end of the effort to convince stakeholders that the UBT worthy of PTN, then stay internal preparatory steps that need to be done. Because, other approaches attempt has been made in advance.

"This was done because of changes in legislation related to legal education (BHP) to PTN back. I think the presentation at the State Ministry for the PAN was indeed the final presentation, "Bahri said yesterday (19 / 6).

Is there a door to reach the status of educators already looks clear? Responding to this, Bahri believe it is so clearly visible. One of them is the opportunity for the UBT to add new courses to add a variant of the current Prodi. And, he said the additions, adapted to the percentage of potential interest to a prospective student Prodi. "So far, potential students lead to two Prodi, nursing and teacher training. Two Prodi has more than 50 percent interest in new students, "he said.

Which will be developed into new Prodi is nursing. Currently, nursing has become institutionally Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK) after the Academy of Nursing (Nursing) City Government of Tarakan merged into one part of the UBT. FIK consists of two Prodi, namely Diploma III of Nursing and Midwifery Diploma III. "Well, for institutional FIK is intact it should be made Prodi that Strata One (S1). Prodi also associated support equipment when UBT became PTN, "he said. (Ndy / kpnn)

Source: KaltimPost (June 20, 2010)
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