Still Tarakan Department Maritime Fishermen Data Verification
Tarakan Borneo - Department of Marine and Fisheries (DKP) Tarakan until today still continue to perform data verification fishermen in four Districts in Tarakan. Verification is related to the distribution of aid to the poor fishermen go to sea equipment, such as fiber boat, engine suspension, and fishing equipment.
"We are still verifying the data, because we want government aid equipment provided was obtained by poor fishermen who really need it. For the purpose of this assistance for poverty alleviation of the fishermen," said Chief DKP Tarakan, Syahrintan Friday (14 / 5 / , 2010).
As information, help with fishing equipment is a poverty relief program for fishermen kemisikinan year 2009. Assistance provided by the form, 45 fiber boats, 30 engines ketinting, 10 machines hanging dams be some fishing equipment for fishermen. (*)
Source: TribunKaltim
"We are still verifying the data, because we want government aid equipment provided was obtained by poor fishermen who really need it. For the purpose of this assistance for poverty alleviation of the fishermen," said Chief DKP Tarakan, Syahrintan Friday (14 / 5 / , 2010).
As information, help with fishing equipment is a poverty relief program for fishermen kemisikinan year 2009. Assistance provided by the form, 45 fiber boats, 30 engines ketinting, 10 machines hanging dams be some fishing equipment for fishermen. (*)
Source: TribunKaltim