Already Sadau in Tarakan Island Entrance RTRW Tourism Region

Tarakan Borneo - Sadau Island as an alternative land for the construction of Steam Power Plant (Power Plant) by PLN Tarakan and building bridges between Tarakan and Bulungan, because Sadau Island is one of the attractions in Tarakan.

"By choosing Sadau Island is expected, this tourism object can be known by many people and serve as one of the attractions for those visiting the Tarakan. Moreover, this Sadau Island RTRW already logged in as a recreational area," said Mayor of Tarakan, Udin Hianggio, Thursday (27/5/10)

Just infotmasi Sadau Island is a small island, its location is in the west of Tarakan Island. This island is the historical witness of the second world war in 1945.

Therefore Sadau Island is very feasible to be used as one of history for local attractions and Tarakan Kaltim.

In this Sadau Island, we can also enjoy various cuisine direct ocean or sea food because in this small island presented a variety of special meals made from fresh raw fish, shrimp, crabs and shellfish.

Source: Tribun Kaltim (May 27, 2010) Borneo

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