Still in the Lower Bontang Tarakan

Tarakan Borneo - Assessment Adipura State Ministry of Environment held a tribute for the city in Indonesia that successfully managing hygiene and environmental management.

Head of Environmental management Multifinance (BPLH) Ir MT Subono mention, clean city program participants who were divided into 4 categories based on population, for the Tarakan and Bontang in East Kalimantan, including in the city is with a population ranging from 100,001 up to 500,000 inhabitants. Meanwhile, Samarinda and Balikpapan in the big city category.

"Based on the developments from year to year, Tarakan position since the last 2 years under the Bontang, Tarakan and then at the national level is at a somewhat lower order despite being a clean city," said Subono

This clean city is an indicator of physical conditions of urban environment in terms of cleanliness and the shade of the city, urban environmental management indicators (non-physical), which includes institutional, management, and responsiveness. However, he stressed the Tarakan City Administration did not make it clean city destination. But rather seeks to memeberikan best service to residents in this city that is better than other cities. "Adipura was just one byproduct, clean city as well as a tool for us to know the cleanliness, beauty or shade of the city than from any other city," he explained.

At one monitoring team conducted surveys in this town, the town of Tarakan conditions are still quite good with a value below 70. means in terms of value and classification of hygiene conditions in this city is still pretty. "We must work harder, especially with the condition of fruit now in season, where the emergence of sidewalk vendors (vendors) dikiri right road disorderly," he said. (* / Sur)

Source: Kaltim Post (February 13, 2010)
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