SDN 024 Represent Tarakan Kaltim

Tarakan Borneo - Public Elementary School (SDN) 024 Kelurahan Karang Anyar Tarakan in East Kalimantan Province successfully representing (East Kalimantan) to the National Level Competition in Final Force Elementary School (SD) held by the Directorate of Kindergarten and Primary Education Ministry of National Education.

SDN is located in Kampung Bugis, will compete with participants from 32 other provision in Indonesia. In connection with this competition, the plan assessment team from the Directorate of Kindergarten and elementary school - Education Ministry next April will visit elementary schools to provide assessment Tarakan 024.

Competition Force assessed in elementary school are all aspects covered in the school environment, among others, the school administration, content, processes, facilities and infrastructure of schools, SKL, educators, and educational, management, financing and educational assessment, management of clusters (in management science and school-based management)), MBC (teaching and learning activities), as well as community participation (School Committee).

Head of Tarakan SDN 024, Amana said Ridwan grateful for the election of SDN 024 Kaltim to represent the National Level. Because of this success is inseparable from the participation and support Disdik Tarakan, teachers, students and school committees.

"We are grateful for this success. Because in this race is not just our own, but there are five schools that played an impact. Like Home SDN I, SDN 009, 011 SDN, SDN 034 and Tunas Kasih. So that here the assessment team is not only assessing our , as a core school, but also impact other schools, "said Ridwan in his office, Monday (15 / 3).

Ridwan reveal, for the preparation of the assessment team's arrival from the national level, it has coordinated with the school impact. "We've prepared everything from school to school committee Management," he said.

For this target in the final, Ridwan hope to come out as champion. "We all look forward to the first champion. Because we believe could be a champion, because of support from teachers, students, school committees and Disdik Tarakan very big," she revealed.

Previously SDN 024 Tarakan has come out as Competition Winner SD clusters as East Kalimantan. For that SDN 024 Tarakan eligible to advance to the national finals which will be held in July. (Jnh)

Source: Tribun Kaltim (March 15, 2010)
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