Provincial Government Supports Establishment of Diskominfo Tarakan Kaltim
Tarakan Borneo - Plan the establishment of Task Force (SKPD) in the scope of the new government of Tarakan, namely the Office of Communications and Informatics (Diskominfo) Tarakan get full support from the East Kalimantan provincial government. Primarily, Diskominfo Kaltim noted M Jauhar Effendi, Head Diskominfo Kaltim.
"Service is important, because the future tasks related to information technology (IT) more remarkable. Also, 6 months ago the governor of East Kalimantan has written to all heads of regions in order to establish an institution that is named Diskominfo, "he said.
Furthermore, the Law number 12/2008 on Information Disclosure for Public (KIP), one of which mandated that at the provincial level must set up the Regional Information Commission (KID), while in the area did not have to. But if needed can also form a KID. Where, KID secretariat is filled by the following Diskominfo service personnel in the field of information also need special handling.
"The government is currently developed the Plan of Government Regulation (RPP) on e-Government, one of whose contents mentioned that at the provincial level agencies that handle e-Gov is the echelon II A while in the area handled by the echelon II B," he said.
In other words, institutions that handle e-Gov can not form a part or the office but the office or agency. "But I think it fitting because it's operational department," in short. It is supporting the importance diskominfo Information Act and Electronic Transactions (UU ITE) and broadcasters who need a sparing partner worth in the region.
"The formation of this Diskominfo, not latah but demands for local needs such as there are people or companies requiring broadcast licenses in the region, who will handle," explained Jauhar told reporters this daily, yesterday. In the journey, Diskominfo other authority greater control over the Electronic Procurement Service (LPSE) for the procurement of government goods and services. LPSE in East Kalimantan, has been applied in Berau District. That is, the whole process of government procurement of goods and services will be controlled entirely by the IT personnel who mastered in Diskominfo.
"This could be a sort LPSE his UPTD Diskominfo, which is chaired by the head of East Kalimantan telematics applications," he explained. This, he said Jauhar East Kalimantan provincial government in harmony with the plan requires the entire area in East Kalimantan using e-Procurement as a management system in the procurement of government goods and services-based IT, the next 2011 years.
"The program and the existence of this LPSE able to minimize the occurrence of corrupt acts that are common in the procurement of goods and services through a manual process. In fact, according to research efesiensinya get 30 percent, "he said. But, consequently, all vendors must be trained at the same time and other input data. (Urgently Required)
Source: Radar Tarakan (February 20, 2010)
"Service is important, because the future tasks related to information technology (IT) more remarkable. Also, 6 months ago the governor of East Kalimantan has written to all heads of regions in order to establish an institution that is named Diskominfo, "he said.
Furthermore, the Law number 12/2008 on Information Disclosure for Public (KIP), one of which mandated that at the provincial level must set up the Regional Information Commission (KID), while in the area did not have to. But if needed can also form a KID. Where, KID secretariat is filled by the following Diskominfo service personnel in the field of information also need special handling.
"The government is currently developed the Plan of Government Regulation (RPP) on e-Government, one of whose contents mentioned that at the provincial level agencies that handle e-Gov is the echelon II A while in the area handled by the echelon II B," he said.
In other words, institutions that handle e-Gov can not form a part or the office but the office or agency. "But I think it fitting because it's operational department," in short. It is supporting the importance diskominfo Information Act and Electronic Transactions (UU ITE) and broadcasters who need a sparing partner worth in the region.
"The formation of this Diskominfo, not latah but demands for local needs such as there are people or companies requiring broadcast licenses in the region, who will handle," explained Jauhar told reporters this daily, yesterday. In the journey, Diskominfo other authority greater control over the Electronic Procurement Service (LPSE) for the procurement of government goods and services. LPSE in East Kalimantan, has been applied in Berau District. That is, the whole process of government procurement of goods and services will be controlled entirely by the IT personnel who mastered in Diskominfo.
"This could be a sort LPSE his UPTD Diskominfo, which is chaired by the head of East Kalimantan telematics applications," he explained. This, he said Jauhar East Kalimantan provincial government in harmony with the plan requires the entire area in East Kalimantan using e-Procurement as a management system in the procurement of government goods and services-based IT, the next 2011 years.
"The program and the existence of this LPSE able to minimize the occurrence of corrupt acts that are common in the procurement of goods and services through a manual process. In fact, according to research efesiensinya get 30 percent, "he said. But, consequently, all vendors must be trained at the same time and other input data. (Urgently Required)
Source: Radar Tarakan (February 20, 2010)