D III Nursing, University of Borneo Tarakan

Ethics Matter Given Serves 35 Percent

Tarakan Borneo - UNIVERSITY Borneo Tarakan (UBT) has six faculties and two diplomas. One of these, the Diploma in Nursing. Building lecture Diploma III (D-III) Nursing is different from other faculties. The reason is building a separate lecture with other buildings located in Long Beach Charity. While building the D-III college of Nursing is located right in front of General Hospital (Hospital) Tarakan.

MORNING seemed hundreds of students and student D-III college of Nursing with a uniform medium of Central Examination Semester (UTS). Inside the classroom, they seemed busy working on the answer sheet over, guarded the two supervisors.

Not long later, the bell rings as a sign of UTS has long expired. One by one student and one student is out of each classroom. Outside, most of them engrossed in his story, there is also an open-book open again lecture material.

D-III college building has three floors of Nursing has seven classrooms. Each classroom has a different capacity. There is one classroom that there were 60 people inside the classroom that only 31 people. Each room has air conditioning and a projector to support students and student tuition to be more comfortable getting the materials provided by lecturers lectures.

As supporting the process of D-III college of Nursing, has various facilities ranging from six laboratories, a library equipped with 3000 books with 1035 titles on health, mosque up to the hall.

According to First Deputy Director of Academic Affairs and Kemahasiswan Goddess Hariyanti, in giving lectures to students and the material it not only gives students the theory and practice alone, but of ethics material.

"Material ethics here, we teach how this nursing student and student to maintain his position in communication. Starting from how to talk, the attitude that gives an honest word to give a smile. For nurses here as a public service and should be friendly in the spoken word," he said.

Given this ethical lecture material, said Dewi, it also provides substantial ethical rating that is equal to 35 percent. "For this ethical matter, each teacher can assess students and mahasiwi ethics while in the classroom," he said.

Not only that, the D-III Nursing who has 336 students and female students and 40 faculty and staff also provide assessments of the activity. This means that if there are students and female university students active in the discussion, asked the professor to follow the activities on campus will get its own assessment.

With classes ranging from the learning system to learn the theory, practice until ethics, no wonder if the D-III Nursing graduates are always welcome to work in all hospitals in the northern region, ranging from Tarakan, Malinau, Templates, Nunukan up outside Tarakan, such as Bali and Lombok . Even alumni of Nursing was also given a certificate of Basic Cardiac Life Support Trauma (BTCLS) of 118 emergency training. (Junisah)

Source: Tribun Kaltim (March 25, 2010)
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