Batavia Air Open-Jakarta route Tarakan Without TransitTarakan

Tarakan Borneo - Beginning today, the management of Batavia Air to open new international routes, round-trip (pp) Tarakan - Jakarta without transit or transit. Tarakan District Chief Representative Batavia Air Yunianto say, to serve the new routes it uses Boing 737-300 type aircraft fleet, with passenger capacity of about 144 people with the travel lane approximately 2.5 hours.
"This new point, we do with the old aircraft" he told reporters earlier the Tarakan FM Grass wednesday afternoon, (03/02/2010).

While efforts are made, because of the large number of seats or seats filled, which reached 80 percent each day, "When low sesion regular day or time, reaching 80 percent, this amount is big enough, so we open new pathways Tarakan - Jakarta," he said added.

According to her, with the addition of the fleet, it can compete with other airlines. Both of the competition in price up to maximum service providers. "We believe aja, which obviously in this way at least able to compete with other airlines" he added.

In addition, Batavia Air also plans to replace the fleet with the type of Water Bus, on 6 March 2010. "While waiting for the other preparations, we'll change it later type Air Bus" she said.

Meanwhile, the Mayor of Tarakan H. Hianggio Udin, who attended the inaugural flight events reveal, it gives management an appreciation of Batavia Air, because of transportation in the city of Tarakan, more and more choices. "We support for Batavia Air, because it's a matter of progress in our transportation world" he explained. (SPN - grass fm MH)

Source: Grass FM (March 3, 2010)
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